Reference Description
Bell et al. 1997 “Super storms” JGR 102, 14189-14198. Top 2% of storms identified as superstorms.  Examined auroral energy input to the inner magnetosphere.
Bothmer, V. 2004 “The solar and interplanetary causes of space storms in solar cycle 23”  Fractions of storms (Ap>20) caused by Slow Wind, CIR/CH, CME/CIR, CME, multiple CMEs.
Bothmer, V. 2003 “Sources of Magnetic Helicity Over the Solar Cycle” ISCS Conference Proceedings In-situ inclinations of cloud axes in agreement w/inclinations of polarity inversion lines of the source regions.
Burlaga, L.F. et al. 2001 “Fast ejecta during the ascending phase of solar cycle 23: ACE observations, 1998-1999” JGR 106, 20957-20977. Magnetic cloud properties vs complex ejecta properties.
Cane, H.V. and Richardson, I.G. 2003 “Interplanetary coronal mass ejections in the near-Earth solar wind during 1996-2002” JGR 108, 1156. ICME source identifications 1996-2002.
Canto, J. et al 2005 "The dynamics of velocity fluctuations in the solar wind - I. Coronal Mass Ejections" MNRAS 357, 572. Analytic model for the dynamical evolution of supersonic velocity fluctuations at the base of the ambient solar wind, applied to CME propogation times from Sun to Earth.
Cremades, H. and Bothmer, V. 2004 “On the three-dimensional configuration of coronal mass ejections” A&A 422, 307-322. Source region identifications and characteristics of many CME’s from 05 Nov 1996 through 28 Dec 2002.
Gonzalez, W.D. 2004 “Prediction of peak-Dst from halo CME/magnetic cloud-speed observations” JASTP 66, 161-165. Analytic description of peak Dst values from CME expansion speed.
Gopalswamy, N. et al. 2005 “Solar source of the largest geomagnetic storm of cycle 23” 2003 Nov 20 geomagnetic storm source identification.
Hoeksema, J.T. and Zhao, X. 1992 "Prediction of Magnetic Orientation in Driver Gas Associated - Bz Events", JGR, 97, 3151-3157.  Compared PFSS model results at source location (at 1.03Rs) to ISEE-3 mag data for 5 events, with favorable result for predicting Bz in 3 flare-related CME's, but not for 1 erupting prominence result.
Huttunen, K.E.J. et al 2005 “Properties and geoeffectiveness of magnetic clouds in the rising, maximum and early declining phases of solar cycle 23” Ann. Geo. 23, 1-17. Bi-polar clouds in rising phase of Cycle 23 rotated S-N.  Switched to N-S at Solar Max.  Separated effects of sheath from magnetic cloud.
Huttunen, K.E.J. and Koskinen, H.E.J. 2004 “Importance of post-shock streams and sheath region as drivers of intense magnetic storms and high-latitude activity” Ann. Geo. 22, 1729-1738. Storm caused by MC different from storm caused by sheath or post-shock stream.  Sheath and post-shock stream caused storms tend to favor high-latitude activity.
Kahler, S. 1993 "A Search for Geomagnetic Storm Evidence of the Reversal of the Solar Dipole Magnetic Field and Interplanetary Bz" JGR 98, 3485-3489. No evidence solar dipole preserved in coronal ejecta.  No solar cycle dependence for Bz.
Mac-Mahon, R.M. and Gonzalez, W.D. 1997 “Energetics during the main phase of geomagnetic superstorms” JGR 102, 14199-14207. Global energetics: calculation of solar wind energy budget and the energy transfer into the magnetosphere.
Mulligan, T. et al 1998 “Solar cycle evolution of the structure of magnetic clouds in the inner heliosphere” GRL 25 2959-2962. Leading mag field in clouds is controlled by polarity of sun’s global field.  Inclination of coronal streamer belt controls axis of symmetry of clouds.  Helicity not ordered by solar cycle.
Vilmer, N. 2003 “On the solar origin of interplanetary disturbances observed in the vicinity of the Earth” Ann. Geo. 21, 847-862. Source identification for 40 interplanetary disturbances.
Webb, D.F. et al 2000 “Relationship of halo coronal mass ejections, magnetic clouds, and magnetic storms” JGR 105, 7491-7508. Not all clouds had LASCO counterparts.  Some geoactivity source identification.
Wu, C.-C. et al 2004 “Relationships between magnetic clouds, CMEs and geomagnetic storms”, Proc. of IAU Symp. 226. Magnetic Clouds + Magnetic Cloud-like events correlate highly with CME rate, whereas MC’s alone do not.
Xie, H. et al 2004 “CMEs and long-lived geomagnetic storms: A case study” Proc. IAU Symp 226. The 1998 May 2-7 Geomagnetic Storm.
Yermolaev, Y.I. and Yermolaev, M.Y. 2002 “Statistical Relationships between Solar, Interplanetary, and Geomagnetic Disturbances, 1976-2000” Cosmic Res. 40, 1-14. Source identifications for many events from 1976-2000.  Fraction of storms from MC and CIR as a function of storm strength.
Yermolaev, Y.I. and Yermolaev, M.Y. 2003 "Statistical Relationships between Solar, Interplanetary, and Geomagnetic Disturbances, 1976-2000: 2" Cosmic Res. 41, 105-109. Continuation of the previous study, considering flares > M5 and halo CMEs.  Correlations of these phenomena with geomagnetic storms as a function of Dst.
Yermolaev, Y.I. et al. 2005 "Statistical studies of geomagnetic storm dependencies on solar and interplanetary events: a review" P&SS 53, 189-196. A survey of the methods used to correlate events at the Sun with storms at the Earth.
Zhang, J. et al 2003 “Identification of Solar Sources of Major Geomagnetic Storms Between 1996 and 2000” AJ 582, 520-533. Source identifications from 1996-2000.  A CME transit time formula.
Zhao, X.P. and Hoeksema, J.T. 1997 “Is the geoeffectiveness of the 6 January 1997 CME predictable from solar observations?” GRL 24, 2965-2968. January 6, 1997 CME Bz prediction
DSF central axis orientation
Impact parameter 
Zhao, X.P. and Webb, D.F. 2003 “Source regions and storm effectiveness of frontside full halo coronal mass ejections” JGR 108, 1234. CME fractions from bi-polar and uni-polar sources through rise in solar cycle.  Streamer belt inclination change lowers rate of ecliptic CME’s.
Zhukov, A. 2004 “Solar sources of geoeffective CMEs: a SOHO/EIT view” Proc. of IAU Symp. 226. Identification of very weak halo CME in LASCO.  Consider using EUV signatures as a CME proxy.  Some sigmoid discussion.